Alfredo Pedroza
Napa County
Alfredo Pedroza is a lifelong Napa resident and elected District 4 Supervisor in 2016, after being appointed by the Governor in 2014 to finish his predecessor's term. Before joining the Board of Supervisors, Alfredo was elected to the Napa City Council in 2012, becoming the youngest and first Latino Council member ever elected.
Professionally, Alfredo has worked in the financial services industry for more than 10 years, having careers with credit unions and community banks. Alfredo’s many years of experience in the financial services industry have helped countless local families and businesses improve their finances and thoughtfully manage and sustain growth. His broad-based community leadership roles encompassing commerce, educational and social service organizations have helped facilitate job growth and economic development, provide aid for local schools, and lend support to individuals and families most in need.
Alfredo is active with service clubs and nonprofit organizations. His passion for public and community service stems from his commitment to working to create a Napa County where his children and future generations of Napa citizens will live, seek jobs, start businesses, and raise their families.
Alfredo is a graduate of Sonoma State University, where he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a minor in Economics. He and his wife, Brenda, another Napa native, attended local schools, volunteer locally, and are the proud parents of three young children: Alfredo III, who was born in 2015, Alessandra, who was born in September 2019, and the newest member of the family, Santiago, who was born in February 2021.